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Zou iemand mijn Engelse brief willen nakijken?

0 stemmen
Dear host family,

First of all, I would like to thank you for reading my letter. Through this letter I hope to give you an impression of me, my life and why I would like to go on an exchange year to the USA.

My name is Emma and I am seventeen years old. I will turn 18 on March 25th. I live together with my parents and my 15-year-old brother ------ and my 13-year-old sister ----. My brother has an amazing sense of humor and we laugh a lot together. My sister is very kind and is also funny. We can get along very well. My parents names are ------ and ---. I have a great relationship with my parents. I can talk with them about everything. If I can I help them out in the household by doing some chores like doing the dishes or cleaning my room.

We live in ---------- which is quite a big town in the east of the Netherlands. I spend a lot of my time here by shopping or going to the cinema with my friends. Spending time with my friends is one of my favorite things to do. My friends are very funny. We are all very different, but that is what makes us so close. Our favorite activity to do as a group is just spending time together at someone's house and just talk and have fun with each other.

Besides spending time with my friends, another hobby of mine is playing volleyball. I have played volleyball since I was five years old and I still enjoy doing it. My parents and my sister also play volleyball so it has always been a big part of my life. What I love so much about the sport is that you play in a team and that you are stronger together as a team. Besides volleyball I also like to play other sports like soccer and basketball.
Some other hobbies of mine are reading and listening to music. I especially like listening to music when I am with my friends. I also love doing all kinds of outdoor activities, because I love being in the nature.

The reason why I would like to go on an exchange to the USA is because I have always wanted to experience and get to know the American culture. I always used to watch American high school series, which I have always loved. So I would love to experience American high school myself. Besides that, I would like to improve my English. I also would like to be an exchange student, because I want to get to know myself and grow as a person. I can be very shy so this is a great opportunity to step out of my comfort zone.
I think my exchange year will be amazing, because I can adapt to new situations very easily. My friends would describe me as very social, funny, helpful, caring and sporty so I think my exchange year will be a success. I am very excited to get to know you, to spend time with you and I cannot wait to start my exchange year.

Yours sincerely,

Nov 19, 2017 geplaatst in Engels door EmmaBuiting

1 Antwoord

0 stemmen
Ik kan geen spel- of grammatica fouten vinden. Alles correct.
De enige opmerking: Vooral in de laatste alinea beginnen 5 zinnen achter elkaar met 'I....'. Probeer minstens 2 daarvan grammaticaal te veranderen door bv. de zin te laten beginnen met het lijdend voorwerp.

vb: I want to get to know myself and grow as a person = To know myself and grow as a person is my objective.

Succes ermee.
Nov 20, 2017 beantwoord door spanishjohan
Heel erg bedankt!!