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wat betekent 'Lure & infect’

0 stemmen
Een strategie gebruikt bij de biologische bestrijding van ziekten en plagen
Sep 18, 2018 geplaatst in Nederlands door vertalen123

1 Antwoord

0 stemmen
Letterlijk: Lokken en besmetten.

'Lure and infect' Strategy: A different strategy to expose insects to entomopathogenic fungi is to lure them to baits. A high concentration of fungal spores is present in the baits and is picked up by the attracted flies after landing on the bait. The advantage is that no large volume of spores has to be sprayed on the crop and no residues of the fungi on the plants and fruit will occur. Furthermore, the attracted insects will pick up higher doses of the spores via the baits than possible via crop spraying, increasing thereby the chance of a successful infection of the insect. This ‘Lure and Infect’ strategy, however, can only be effective if the baits are highly attractive, the amount of baits per field are economically affordable and the fungi have a fast mode of action preventing in an early stage the reproduction of the flies.
Sep 18, 2018 beantwoord door Zoë 1212
bedankt voor de info!
okido vertalen123

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