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WIe kan mijn english report over educations levels nakijken?

0 stemmen
Zou iemand kunnen controleren of ik deze tekst in begrijpbaar Engels heb geschreven, graag aanvullingen of verbeteringen! Bij voorbaat erg bedankt.

This report surveys the education level of adopted 15-year-old children in the Netherlands for the school year 2013-2014. In the second place a comparison will be made between the adopted children in China and South Korea as well as the other countries after and prior their 2nd birthday.

The purpose of the report is to advise the department about the possibility to introduce remedial teaching programmes for adopted children, and if so, which group(s) of adopted children these programmes should focus on.

The report reviews three different subjects:
•    The non-adopted 15 years olds
•    The comparison in China and South Korea between adopted children prior to their 2nd birthday and after their 2nd birthday
•    The comparison in other countries between adopted children prior to their 2nd birthday and after their 2nd birthday


The non-adopted 15 years olds
The bar graph of the total non-adopted 15 year olds in the Netherlands shows that 26 per cent follows vmbo basis/advanced and 29 per cent follows vmbo combined/theoretical. Compared to havo there is not a great difference with 25 per cent. The lowest percentage is vwo with 20 per cent.

The comparison in China and South Korea between adopted children prior and after their 2nd birthday
The bar graph shows that 10 per cent adopted prior to their 2nd birthday follows vmbo basic/advanced and 20 per cent adopted after their 2nd birthday follows vmbo basic/advanced. The difference of 5 per cent is not remarkable, this is also the case for vmbo combined/theoretical and havo. In contrast, the percentage of vwo differs about 10 per cent.
The comparison in other countries between adopted children prior and after their 2nd birthday
A lot of children in other countries adopted prior to their 2nd birthday as well as the adopted children after their 2nd birthday follows vmbo basic/advanced and vmbo combined theoretical. No less than 65 per cent prior their 2nd birthday and 80 per cent after their 2nd birthday. The minority of an average 30 per cent follows havo or vwo.

On the basis of the data presented it can be concluded that children adopted from China and Korea prior as well as after their 2nd birthday follows a high education level. Compared to the other countries they preform many times better.  

It is important to develop remedial teach programmes for the other countries because the most children regardless of their time of adoption follows the lowest education level in the Netherlands. If these program is integrated in the Dutch society, the education level will be getting higher.
Mar 9, 2016 geplaatst in Engels door Latuhalat
Mar 10, 2016 gewijzigd door Latuhalat

1 Antwoord

0 stemmen
Beste Latuhalat, dit is niet de juiste site om grotere teksten te vertalen danwel te controleren. Voor zover ik kan nagaan zitten er geen spelfouten in, waarbij de benaming van de scholen niet meegerekend. (hangt af voor welk land deze tekst bestemd is). Verder ziet het er degelijk uit. Je zult geen slechte beurt maken als je het gewoon zo laat.
Mar 10, 2016 beantwoord door spanishjohan